Category: Article
What can possibly be more important than a Gold medal?
If, like me, you were captivated by the feats of the Australian athletes at the Olympics, I’m sure this thought crossed your mind: years and…
Breaking Free from Comparison: How to Truly Back Yourself and Thrive
What does success look like to you? That’s not a rhetorical question. Stop and write down and answer before you continue reading. My answer? Empowering…
The Impact an Empowered You Can Have
In a world often dominated by the pursuit of personal success, the concept of self-empowerment tends to linger in an ether. We have all heard…
“I Don’t Have Time” Simply Doesn’t Cut It
Are You Afraid of Being Afraid?
Practical Steps to Honour Your Feelings
We have grown up in a world that endorses the mantra of ‘toughing out’ rather than ‘feeling through’. The ‘suck it up sunshine’ colloquialism has…
The Invisible Line I No Longer Dance Around
There’s a sliver-thin line between self-assuredness and outright arrogance. It’s a line that, when crossed, can have far-reaching implications for any individual. Often, in the…
Lifting the Lid on Self-Sabotage
Self-sabotage often begins subtly, whispering doubt into the ears of even the most accomplished individuals. For me, it manifested as a victim mentality. I found…
Insights from a Conversation with Sadhguru
Sunday night was a bit of a pinch me moment. In front of 5000 wonderful humans, united by a passion for self-empowerment, I was able…