How to Overcome Your Self-Saboteur
It’s a simple question. At first glance you may even brush it off and move onto the next task, the next email, the next Instagram reel.
But lend me a moment of your time while I explain why this question isn’t just important, it can be the difference between success and failure.
You see, many of us have an inner-critic that’s constantly sabotaging our progress. It undermines our confidence, makes us doubt ourselves and stops us from taking risks.
So if you want to feel the satisfaction of succeeding in your goals, you have to start from within. Our internal dialogue determines how you feel about yourself.
I wasn’t born a world champion, and I guarantee you I wasn’t born with the natural ability to be a seven-time world champion. Yes, I put in the hard work, commitment and training to achieve my goals, but my success is grounded in a dedication to enhancing my mindset.
I’m by no means perfect, I have my days of self-doubt and negativity, like everyone, but I appreciate the power my inner-dialogue has in getting on top of my feelings. If I wake up feeling tired, unwell, stressed…I know to pause, take a deep breath and tune into my thoughts. Here is how putting in the internal work allows me to create external results:
The Powerful Influence of Your Inner Dialogue
It takes courage and dedication to reinforce to yourself who you are. Words have value, and how you use them dictates how you feel about yourself. Words such as:
“I am going to win today.”
“I am going to believe in myself.”
“I am prepared. I am experienced. I am deserving of success.”
Throughout my career, the subtleties of my internal language have had a radical impact on my life. Becoming aware of these subtleties and the result of negative self-talk empowered me to opt for words that support me, not sabotage me. It’s been one of the most critical aspects of my success, and continues to be.
The words “I AM” are more powerful than most of us realise. They have the power to shape our lives, by influencing our thoughts and actions in a positive or negative way. Every time we say these two simple words, whether out loud or in our minds, we make a declaration to the universe that sets the tone for what follows. By using these two powerful words in a conscious and mindful way, we can create an environment that is conducive to success and fulfilment. From feeling energised when waking up instead of tired, to being inspired instead of uninspired – understanding how to use “I AM” correctly can be incredibly beneficial.
When you wake up in the morning and feel a little bit off, what is the typical conversation you have with yourself?
“I AM ugly. I AM fat. I AM lazy. I AM old. I AM not ready for the day.”
It’s time to replace these negative thoughts with a new line of conversation:
“I AM disciplined. I AM inspired. I AM excited for the day. I AM energised. I AM capable. I AM deserving of success.”
Of course, you will have your bad days. Of course, we all have to fake it until we make it. But none of us wake up in the morning intending to have a bad day. I never choose to wake up tired, so I choose to change my internal dialogue and to tap into the power of I AM.
5 tips to defeat your inner self-saboteur
- Shift your mindset from “I’m not good enough” to “I AM capable”. Remember that ‘I AM’ are two of the most powerful words in the English language. Use them to your advantage and declare to the universe that you have everything it takes to achieve success.
- Identify the source of your self-sabotaging thoughts. Pay attention to yourself, and consider if there is something or someone in particular that triggers these negative thoughts. Keeping a journal can help you identify patterns and track progress. Acknowledge any fears or doubts you may have, take a deep breath and remind yourself of what is important – don’t let fear be the boss of you.
- Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. A lot of us are great at acknowledging our failures and letting them define us, but it’s just as important to recognise our wins and pat ourselves on the back for a job well done!
- Focus on the bigger picture. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you’ve taken on too much, take a step back and remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing in the first place.
- Surround yourself with positive people who support your goals and cheer you on. Having a great network of people around you will give you the courage and confidence to take risks and keep moving forward towards your goals
‘I AM’ is a powerful phrase to use intentionally in our lives – with the right words we can support ourselves to achieve amazing things. Let’s start using them wisely! I am ready, are you? : ) And with that – go
Want to go deeper and understand the power of utilising the ‘I AM’ mantra?
You’ve got this! 🤩
Layne xx.